Per Favore


The pandemic adversely affected life as we know it including IGSA. Some of our chairpersons resigned, including the one in charge of this website, which explains why our site looked like a time capsule from 2019. Because of the panic, we suspended our meetings and did not mail out newsletters. Nevertheless, we continued to communicate with our membership via email and from time to time sent out information of interest. We are now trying to get our organization up and running again. Recently a new member stepped up to update this website and has already made some necessary changes. In the near future, we plan to add more resources and material to the website. Our Spring 2024 issue of Lo Specchio has just been uploaded to our Members Only pages. For FY 2024, we are requesting dues, but due to by-law changes, the yearly fee is $25, whether you are an individual or family. This information is now reflected on our revised membership sign-up/renewal form.

Take note, we hope you will enjoy celebrating your Italian Heritage with IGSA’s website.  We offer an extensive resources list to support your Italian genealogy research and to celebrate your Italian culture. Check out the IGSA blog for announcements, news, cultural activities, and exclusive member composed posts. Just scroll down the list of posts and click on the title of each to read. The members’ only password protected page features online IGSA newsletters and information just for members.

If you are a member and not receiving emails from IGSA, please email us to be sure we have your correct email address.

If you are interested in joining IGSA this year, please visit the membership page, complete and send in the membership form.

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